Ecology with Laboratory

An introduction to the scientific study of the interrelationships among organisms and their interactions with the environment.  Topics include evolutionary adaptation in dynamic environments, behavioral ecology and life-history strategies, population dynamics, interactions among organisms, and the structure and function of biological communities and ecosystems. Emphasis is placed on the development of quantitative skills and reading the primary scientific literature to address issues such as the stability and resilience of ecosystems with climate change, conservation of endangered species, and the dynamics of infectious disease.  Laboratory will focus on applying ecological concepts to observational and experimental field data collection, data organization, and statistical analysis.

Units: 1.25

Max Enrollment: 28

Prerequisites: BISC 108 or (BISC 111, BISC 111T, BISC 113, or BISC 113Y) or ES 100 or ES 101 or by permission of the instructor.

Instructor: Staff

Distribution Requirements: NPS - Natural and Physical Sciences; LAB - Natural and Physical Sciences Laboratory

Degree Requirements: DL - Data Literacy (Formerly QRDL); DL - Data Literacy (Formerly QRF)

Typical Periods Offered: Fall

Semesters Offered this Academic Year: Fall
