Humans are remarkable beings. We are capable of creating inspiring works of art and dramatic scientific achievements. However, we also engage in harmful behaviors such as violence and prejudice and suffer from debilitating illnesses such as schizophrenia and dementia. This course explores how the 3 lb. structure in our head influences what we think, feel, and do. The course also explores how what we experience and how we behave can change the brain. The course begins with a basic overview of the structure and function of the nervous system and current techniques for studying the nervous system. The latter part of the course examines the biological underpinnings of several behaviors of interest to psychologists including sleep, stress, emotion, cognition, and mental disorders. Throughout the course, students will gain critical thinking skills through evaluating original empirical research and by considering the advantages and disadvantages of the biological perspective on human behavior.
Units: 1
Max Enrollment: 30
Prerequisites: PSYC 101 or CLSC 110, a score of 5 on the Psychology AP exam, or a score of 5, 6, or 7 on the Higher Level IB exam, or permission of the instructor. Not open to students who have taken NEUR 200. Not open to students who have taken NEUR 100 except by permission of the instructor.
Instructor: Dunne
Distribution Requirements: SBA - Social and Behavioral Analysis; EC - Epistemology and Cognition
Typical Periods Offered: Spring
Semesters Offered this Academic Year: Spring; Fall