Newtonian mechanics governs the motion of objects ranging from biological cells to galaxies. The fundamental principles of mechanics allow us to begin to analyze and understand the physical world. In this introductory calculus-based course, we will systematically study the laws underlying how and why objects move, and develop analysis techniques for applying these laws to everyday situations. Broadly applicable problem-solving skills will be developed and stressed. Topics include forces, energy, momentum, rotations, gravity, and waves, and a wide range of applications. This course is taught in studio-style, which blends lecture with group problem solving and hands-on experimental activities.
Units: 1.25
Max Enrollment: 24
Prerequisites: Fulfillment of the Quantitative Reasoning (QR) component of the Quantitative Reasoning & Data Literacy requirement. Calculus at the level of MATH 115. Not open to students who have taken PHYS 104.
Instructor: McAskill, Addison
Distribution Requirements: MM - Mathematical Modeling and Problem Solving; LAB - Natural and Physical Sciences Laboratory; NPS - Natural and Physical Sciences; MM - Mathematical Modeling and Problem Solving; LAB - Natural and Physical Sciences Laboratory; NPS - Natural and Physical Sciences
Typical Periods Offered: Spring; Fall
Semesters Offered this Academic Year: Spring; Fall; Spring; Fall