This course is a systematic introduction to Newtonian mechanics, which governs the motion of objects ranging from biological cells to galaxies. Primary concepts such as mass, force, energy, and momentum are introduced and discussed in depth. We will place emphasis on the conceptual framework and on using fundamental principles to analyze the everyday world. Topics include: Newton's Laws, conservation of energy, conservation of momentum, rotations, waves, and fluids. Concepts from calculus will be developed and used as needed. This course is taught in studio-style, which blends lecture with group problem solving and hands-on experimental activities. Students with a strong background in mathematics or previous experience in physics should consider PHYS 107.
This course has a required co-requisite Laboratory - PHYS 104L.
Units: 1.25
Max Enrollment: 24
Prerequisites: Fulfillment of the Quantitative Reasoning (QR) component of the Quantitative Reasoning & Data Literacy requirement. Prerequisite or Co-requisite - calculus at the level of MATH 115. Not open to students who have taken PHYS 107.
Instructor: Staff
Distribution Requirements: MM - Mathematical Modeling and Problem Solving; LAB - Natural and Physical Sciences Laboratory; LAB - Natural and Physical Sciences Laboratory; MM - Mathematical Modeling and Problem Solving; NPS - Natural and Physical Sciences; NPS - Natural and Physical Sciences
Typical Periods Offered: Spring; Fall
Semesters Offered this Academic Year: Spring; Spring; Fall; Fall
Notes: In some cases this course can be used in place of PHYS 107 for the Physics major.