A foundational course that explores observational strategies and theories of perception using a range of drawing tools. Project work is focused on observational drawing methods with attention to the articulation of line, shape, time, form, gesture, perspective, and value. In-class drawing exercises, weekly homework assignments, and group critiques address a variety of approaches to image making and visual expression, with some attention put towards the human figure. Aimed at first years and sophomores and those considering majors in Studio Art or Architecture. Also recommended for those considering majors in Media Arts and Sciences, or Art History.
Units: 1
Max Enrollment: 16
Prerequisites: None. Open to First-Years, Sophomores, and Juniors. Seniors by permission of the instructor.
Instructor: Cohn, McGibbon, Rivera
Distribution Requirements: ARS - Visual Arts, Music, Theater, Film and Video
Typical Periods Offered: Spring; Fall
Semesters Offered this Academic Year: Spring; Fall
Notes: Required for majors and minors in Studio Art as well as majors in Architecture.