Human Physiology with Laboratory

This course takes an integrated approach to the study of organ system function in humans. We will examine control mechanisms that allow the body to maintain a constant balance in the face of environmental challenges, such as exercise, temperature change, and high altitude. Our particular focus will be recent findings in the areas of neural, cardiovascular, respiratory, renal, and muscle physiology. In the laboratory, students gain experience with the tools of modern physiological research at both the cellular and organismal levels.

Units: 1.25

Max Enrollment: 12

Prerequisites: (BISC 111, BISC 111T, BISC 113, BISC 113Y or NEUR 100) and (BISC 203 or NEUR 200).

Instructor: Staff

Distribution Requirements: NPS - Natural and Physical Sciences; LAB - Natural and Physical Sciences Laboratory

Typical Periods Offered: Fall

Semesters Offered this Academic Year: Fall
