SPAN275 / LAST275-2
The Making of Modern Latin American Culture

An examination of the principal characteristics of the search for identity and independence of the emerging Latin American nations as expressed in literary, historical, and anthropological writing. We will examine the experience of each of four distinct regions: Mexico and Central America, the Caribbean, the Andean countries, and the Southern Cone. Readings will include the works of contemporary Latin American writers, filmmakers, and historians. Special attention will be given to the relationship between social issues and the evolution of literary form.

Units: 1

Max Enrollment: 14

Crosslisted Courses:

Prerequisites: Open to students who have completed SPAN 241 or SPAN 242  or equivalent (AP 5) or by permission of the instructor.

Instructor: Selimovic

Distribution Requirements: LL - Language and Literature

Typical Periods Offered: Every other year; Spring

Semesters Offered this Academic Year: Not Offered
