Christianity in Asia

History of the Christian tradition in South and East Asia from the first century to the present. Emphasis on the Christian impact, both positive and negative, on Asian societies; why Asia rejected Western Christianity; and the development of uniquely Asian forms of Christian belief, practice, and sociopolitical engagement. Topics include: Thomas's supposed "apostolic mission" to Kerala, India in the first century; the Nestorian "heretics" in T'ang China; symbiosis of Jews, Muslims, and Christians in ninth-century China; the two sixteenth-century Jesuits (Francis Xavier and Matteo Ricci); Spanish colonialism and the Roman Catholics of the Philippines; the 26 martyrs of Japan (1597); the Taiping Rebellion; Uchimura's "No Church Christianity"; Horace Allen in Korea; Kitamori's "Pain of God Theology"; Endo's "Silence of God"; India's "untouchables" and Christianity; Mother Teresa of Calcutta; the Three Self Movement in the People's Republic of China; Korea's Minjung Theology; and the rise of Asian American Christianity.

Units: 1

Max Enrollment: 25


Instructor: Kodera

Distribution Requirements: HS or REP - Historical Studies or Religion, Ethics, and Moral Philosophy

Semesters Offered this Academic Year: Spring
