BISC220 / BIOC220
Cell Biology with Laboratory

Examines structure-function relationships in eukaryotic cells. We will explore the operation and regulation of molecular mechanisms that carry out processes central to life. Considerable emphasis is placed on experimental approaches for investigating the following topics: protein structure and function, biological membranes and transport, cytoskeletal assembly and function, protein biogenesis and trafficking, cell communication and signaling, the cell cycle, and intercellular interactions. Laboratory investigations will provide students with experience in classical and modern approaches to examine and quantify cellular processes.

This course has a required co-requisite Laboratory - BIOC 220L/BISC 220L.

Students must attend lab during the first week in order to continue in the course.

Units: 1.25

Max Enrollment: 48

Crosslisted Courses:

Prerequisites: One of the following (BISC 110, BISC 110P, BISC 112, or BISC 112Y) and two units of college chemistry; or  BISC 116 and CHEM 116 and one unit of college chemistry. Not open to First-Year students.

Instructor: Darling, Okumura, Roden

Distribution Requirements: NPS - Natural and Physical Sciences; LAB - Natural and Physical Sciences Laboratory

Typical Periods Offered: Spring

Semesters Offered this Academic Year: Spring
