The Biology of Plants with Laboratory

An overview of the physiology and development of land plants from the cell/molecular level to the whole organism. Topics include photosynthesis, transport systems, patterns and regulation of growth and development, and interactions with the environment – both biotic (pathogens, animals, other plants) and abiotic (light, water, temperature). Applied aspects including medicinal plants and the potential for biotechnology to increase food production in the face of climate change will be addressed. The investigative, exploratory laboratory sessions will provide an introduction to techniques currently employed in answering research questions ranging from the cellular to the organismal level.

This course has a required co-requisite Laboratory - BISC 207L

Units: 1.25

Max Enrollment: 12

Prerequisites: (BISC 110, BISC 110P, BISC 112, BISC 112Y, or BISC 116) or (BISC 111, BISC 111T, BISC 113, or BISC 113Y) or permission of the instructor.

Instructor: Peterman, Beers

Distribution Requirements: LAB - Natural and Physical Sciences Laboratory; NPS - Natural and Physical Sciences

Typical Periods Offered: Spring

Semesters Offered this Academic Year: Spring
