What can we learn from plants and ecosystems to sustainably grow food, source energy, and support people in a changing climate? This course will deepen your appreciation of plants and explore how plants grow, respond to change, and create resilient biological communities. We will apply an ecological lens toward understanding how humans can cultivate plants responsibly, whether caring for a houseplant, growing vegetables, or managing forests. Students will learn from diverse plants in the campus greenhouses and gardens, building scientific and horticultural skills through observation, experimentation and collaborative projects.
This course has a required co-requisite Laboratory - BISC 108L
Units: 1.25
Max Enrollment: 32
Prerequisites: Fulfillment of the Quantitative Reasoning (QR) component of the Quantitative Reasoning & Data Literacy requirement.
Instructor: Jones, Nickles
Distribution Requirements: NPS - Natural and Physical Sciences; LAB - Natural and Physical Sciences Laboratory
Typical Periods Offered: Spring
Semesters Offered this Academic Year: Spring