In medieval Europe, biographies of saints were one of the most popular forms of literature, providing readers and listeners with examples of saintly behavior to emulate and sinful actions to avoid. More importantly the biographies narrated the lives of some of the most important members of medieval society. Whether living or dead, saints were seen as liminal beings able to move between this world and the next, communicating God’s will to their fellow Christians and harnessing divine power to perform miracles. This course will examine the lives of a diverse group of male and female saints from the Middle Ages (c. 300-1300 C. E.), utilizing the sacred biographies both as a means for understanding medieval society and as a springboard for addressing larger issues connected to the aims and function of biographical writing and the question of whether or not an “objective” biography is ever possible.
Units: 1
Max Enrollment: 15
Prerequisites: None. Open to First-Years only.
Instructor: Ramseyer
Degree Requirements: WFY - First Year Writing
Typical Periods Offered: Spring
Semesters Offered this Academic Year: Spring
Notes: Mandatory Credit/Non Credit.