Writing in the Distracted Age

We are living in an age of unprecedented access to information and have the means for immediate communication, thanks to advances in technology. Connecting to this virtual, ceaselessly changing world, however, often means turning away from the physical realm and prioritizing immediate reaction over thoughtful reflection. In this interdisciplinary course, we will investigate the boundless opportunities, and the real challenges, of living and writing in the age of distraction. How do we understand one another and ourselves as we toggle between the virtual and physical worlds? How do we create meaningful ideas and united communities? How does the reading and writing we do in the classroom inform what we read and write on social media, and vice versa? Students will consider these questions as they study literature, art, psychology, and technology, and as they explore both virtual spaces and physical ones, including the Wellesley campus and other area locales.

Units: 1

Max Enrollment: 12

Prerequisites: None. Open to First-Years only.

Instructor: H. Bryant

Degree Requirements: WFY - First Year Writing

Typical Periods Offered: Fall

Semesters Offered this Academic Year: Fall

Notes: This course will provide extra academic support and intensive preparation for the demands of writing at the college level. It is appropriate for students who have not done much academic writing in English in high school, or who lack confidence in their writing. No letter grades given.