In the U.S. more women than men live in poverty. This class will highlight how income inequality and the disproportion of wealth are gendered and racialized, impacting women of color at higher rates. Throughout the course we will examine how such economic processes as globalization and such ideologies as neoliberalism influences employment, labor, wages, health, social life, families, and other societal structures. Applying feminist theories, we will also contextualize the life experiences of women of color from their perspectives and question dominant ideals that perpetuate the concept of meritocracy. We will also engage and learn about the different ways women of color resist economic inequality through life skills and strategies, activism, and social movements.
Units: 1
Max Enrollment: 25
Prerequisites: None.
Distribution Requirements: SBA - Social and Behavioral Analysis
Typical Periods Offered: Fall
Semesters Offered this Academic Year: Not Offered