Medieval Spain, at the nexus of the Christian, Jewish, and Islamic cultures, witnessed a flowering of literature dealing with the nature and depiction of love. This course will examine works from all three traditions, stressing the uses of symbolic language in the linguistic representation of physical desire. Texts will include Ibn Hazm, The Dove's Neck-Ring; the poetry of Yehuda Ha-Levi and Ben Sahl of Seville; the Mozarabic kharjas; the Galician cantigas de amigo; Juan Ruiz, The Book of Good Love; Diego de San Pedro, Cárcel de Amor; and Fernando de Rojas, La Celestina.
Units: 1
Max Enrollment: 10
Prerequisites: Open to senior and junior majors or by permission of the instructor.
Instructor: Vega
Distribution Requirements: LL - Language and Literature
Typical Periods Offered: Fall
Semesters Offered this Academic Year: Not Offered