The City in Modern South Asia

South Asian cities are currently undergoing massive demographic and spatial transformations. These cannot be understood without a consideration of both the specific history of South Asia and a broader account of urban change. This course examines these changes in historical perspective and situates urban South Asia within a global context. How did colonial rule transform old cities such as Delhi and Lahore? How were the differing ideologies of India and Pakistan mapped onto new capitals such as Chandigarh and Islamabad? How are ethnic pasts and techno futures reconciled in booming cities such as Bangalore and Mumbai? What are the connections between the urban environment and political mobilization? We consider a range of sources, including scholarly literature, films, and short stories.

Units: 1

Max Enrollment: 25

Prerequisites: None

Instructor: Rao

Distribution Requirements: HS - Historical Studies

Typical Periods Offered: Spring

Semesters Offered this Academic Year: Not Offered
