An introduction to the history of Native American peoples, from precontact to the present. Through a survey of scholarly works, primary documents, objects, films, and Indian autobiographies, students will grapple with enduring questions concerning the Native past. How should we define "Native America"? How interconnected were Native peoples, and when? Can we pinpoint the emergence of "Indian" identity and understand how it developed? This course confronts those questions and other issues in Native American history, through such topics as the "discovery" of Europe and its effects, cultural and commercial exchange with Europeans, removal, the struggle for the West, the "Indian New Deal," and the Red Power movement of the 1970s. Special attention to the Native northeast.
Units: 1
Max Enrollment: 25
Prerequisites: None
Instructor: Grandjean
Distribution Requirements: HS - Historical Studies
Semesters Offered this Academic Year: Not Offered