This interdisciplinary survey of Europe between 1300 and 1600 focuses on aspects of politics, literature, philosophy, religion, economics, and the arts that have prompted scholars for the past seven hundred years to regard it as an age of cultural rebirth. These include the revival of classical learning; new fashions in painting, sculpture, architecture, poetry, and prose; the politics of the Italian city-states and Europe’s “new monarchies”; religious reform; literacy and printing; the emerging public theater; new modes of representing selfhood; and the contentious history of Renaissance as a concept. Authors include Petrarch, Vasari, Machiavelli, Erasmus, More, Castiglione, Rabelais, Montaigne, Sidney, Spenser, and Shakespeare. Lectures and discussions will be enriched by guest speakers and visits to Wellesley’s art and rare book collections.
Units: 1
Max Enrollment: 20
Crosslisted Courses:
Prerequisites: None.
Instructor: Grote and Wall-Randell (English)
Distribution Requirements: LL - Language and Literature; HS - Historical Studies
Typical Periods Offered: Every other year
Semesters Offered this Academic Year: Not Offered