Historic Preservation: Theory and Practice

This course will explore the theory and practice of historic preservation. Beginning with a focus on the history of preservation in the United States, we will trace the development of legal, economic, public policy, and cultural frameworks that have shaped attitudes and approaches toward preservation of the built environment. To ground these theoretical discussions, we will use the greater Boston area as a laboratory for understanding the benefits and challenges of historic preservation. Students will engage in both individual and group projects that will emphasize field study of buildings and landscapes, archival research, planning, and advocacy. The course is designed for Architecture and Art History majors, but could also be of interest to students in History, American Studies, Environmental Studies, and Political Science.

Units: 1

Max Enrollment: 25

Prerequisites: 200-level course in Architectural History preferred. Not open to students who have completed ARTH 317.

Instructor: McNamara

Distribution Requirements: ARS - Visual Arts, Music, Theater, Film and Video

Typical Periods Offered: Every three years

Semesters Offered this Academic Year: Not Offered

Notes: This course is also offered at the 300-level as ARTH 317.